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Image of a hand holding a phone with the FitSW app running to resemble virtual training
Online Personal Training

Train the way you like where you want to. Completely virtual programs delivered straight to the palm of your hand.

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ACE Certification

ACE Personal Trainer

FitSW - Software for Personal Trainers: Image an iphone for the certifications section of trainer page
FitSW - Software for Personal Trainers: Image an iphone for the specializations section of trainer page

Certified Health Coach

Health Coach Certification

See What Other's Are Saying


"Several months ago DeShauna came to me because she wanted to lose 10lbs. She was winded when she walked upstairs, and she had knee and back pain. Her health was especially challenging because she was also pre-diabetic, and her health was impacting the rest of her life. She found she didn't feel confident or attractive anymore because she couldn't fit into the clothing that made her feel empowered. While a part of her was hopeful she would lose weight, another part of her felt like she would be stuck in her unhealthy habits forever because she didn't have time to make healthy dinners during the week, and she loved eating brownies before she went to bed at night. After 6 COACHING SESSIONS with me, DeShauna had a big shift. We identified that competition motivates her and helps her stay on track with her goals. We determined that she could prep healthy dinners on Sundays and eat those instead of fast food during the week. And she really wanted to keep her daily habit of eating a brownie, so instead of eating it before it was time to go to bed, she now eats her brownie in the morning for breakfast. She attributes this shift to her coaching sessions with me and the accountability of the coaching sessions. By the end of the sessions, Shawna had lost 5lbs. She walked for 30 minutes every day, meal prepped every Sunday, and consumed her daily water goals. DeShauna is well on her way to a healthier lifestyle. "


"Norma was very passionate about being able to provide me the steps to a positive way of life by just getting me off the couch and moving. During my time with Anything but the Gym there was either an exercise and or encouragement. Together we built the best routine to get me off the couch. Not only have I changed my eating habits but I have become aware of the number of hours I do sit on the couch. Through goal setting, weekly coaching and ongoing support this program has increased my daily movement. "

This is what a client says about the workouts

" Those standing abs are incredible. And also enjoying the leg lifts and abductor exercises. thanks for the variety. "


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