HighLine Fitness LLC

United States
Portland, OR, 97239


Training Locations

Explore the services I offer, find what you like, and give me shout when you're ready to start training!

Image of a hand holding a phone with the FitSW app running to resemble virtual training
Online Personal Training

Train the way you like where you want to. Completely virtual programs delivered straight to the palm of your hand.

Image of woman running on at a gym to resemble in person training
In Person Training

Never be unsure about fitness or nutrition again. With immersive coaching every step of the way, you'll be on a fast track to results.

Area Served: Portland, OR, 97239

General Info

Golf Specific Stretches and Exercises-Corrective Exercise-Senior Fitness-CFT Certified.
Achieving a better quality of life through Functional Mobility-Weight loss-Flexibility AND Accountability. Set the bar high with HighLine Online!!

Purchase Services

Purchase packages, individual sessions or make a custom payment!

Trainers often offer personal training sessions in bulk at a discounted rate. We call these 'packages'.

Package image
Online Personal Training- Will require ordering basic equiptment list.

12 weeks 2x per week monthly installments available. $520 per month. $65 per session Also comes in 6, 9, 12 month packages. 5% discount if paid in Full. Consult will be done in person, consult fee will be deducted after purchase agreement is signed and credited toward your first session.

Session Credits: 24

Price: 1560.00

max 1
Package image
In Person Training at SW Portland location OR in your home

12 weeks 3x per week monthly payments of $900 This is a result based packaged. 3x per week is the minimum requirement to make quicker progress toward your goals.

Session Credits: 36

Price: 2700.00

Package image
Meal Planning

7 days of goal oriented meal ideas

Session Credits: 7

Price: 200.00

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Book a consult today!

$25 refundable security deposit upon signing up for a customized training program!

Session Credits: 1

Price: 25.00

Package image
In Person Training at SW Portland location OR in your home Package

1 single session $75

Session Credits: 1

Price: 75.00

Package Cart

Total Cost:

Purchase personal training sessions.


Your trainer's current session rate is 50

Total Cost:

Pay your trainer a custom amount.




Corrective Exercise-Nutrition-Senior Fitness-CFT-CPR-AED


Corrective Exercise-Senior Fitness