• How To Add New Clients (Web)

    Adding new clients is easy and will only take you a few minutes to complete! Better yet, they’ll have their own login that they can use for free! Find the Add Client button on the top left corner of your client list in your trainer dashboard. Upon clicking Add Client,…

  • How To Add New Clients (iOS)

    Adding new clients in FitSW is simple and only take a few seconds to complete! To add a new client, start off by clicking the Clients button in the bottom right corner of your screen. (See image below.) Once you are on the Clients screen, click the + button in the top right corner….

  • How To Add New Clients (Android)

    To add a new client on the Android version of FitSW, first click on the “hamburger icon.” Then, click on the Client List. Clicking on the blue + button to pull up the following interface where you can put in your client’s information. After putting in the required information for…

  • How To Add New Food To Food List as a Client (iOS)

    Clients, your trainer controls whether or not you are able to edit your food list. To add a new food, start by clicking the More button in the bottom right corner of your screen. (See image below.) Once you are on the More screen, click on the Food List option. (See image below.) Once you…

  • How to Add Automated Messages to a Program (Web)

    Want to sit back and let FitSW do the reminding for you? We’ve got ya covered with automated messages in programs. To add automated messages to programs, first navigate to the Programs feature from the nav bar on the left side of your screen. From there either create a new…

  • How to Set Up Push Notifications For Shared Clients (Web)

    Your clients might need a little… push. Navigate to the gym account settings by clicking on the profile picture icon in the top right corner of the screen. Click on the Settings option and scroll to the second section on the page to find the Push Notification Settings. These settings…

  • How to Set Up Welcome Videos for Trainers and Clients (Web)

    Everybody loves a good entrance, so why not employ a welcome video for clients and trainers? Navigate to the gym settings page by clicking on the profile picture icon in the top right corner of the screen. From there, scroll down to find the Welcome Video section. In this section,…

  • How to Add and Edit Trainers (Web)

    Gym accounts have all the power for managing personal trainers! With an easy-to-use bird’s-eye-view over all of your trainers and their clients, you will have no problem managing them with FitSW at your fingertips. Navigate to your list of trainers from the left side of your screen where it says…

  • How To Add To / View Your Clients Nutrition Plans (Android)

    Click on the three white lines in the top left corner of your screen to access the menu. From the menu, scroll down to find the Nutrition option. Upon clicking the nutrition option, you will see your list of clients pop up and an option to add to/access your Favorites…