Simplified nutrition lets trainers set macro goals for clients to reach instead of detailed nutrition plans.
Many trainers may not have the certification to prescribe nutrition plans for their clients and others may just not want to apply strict guidelines for what foods their clients should eat. Regardless of the case, we introduced the simplified nutrition option to help trainers assign daily macro goals. Clients can click on the icons in the simplified nutrition meal plans and fill out what amount they have accomplished of their macro goals for the day.
To Get Started
On the web app, trainers can create simplified nutrition plans from a couple of different locations. The first location is right from the trainer dashboard. This option is best if creating a simplified nutrition plan for one client in particular.
First, click on the blue Simplified Nutrition option on the right side of the client compliance summary. This will open the page showing all of the nutrition plans assigned to that particular client.
Press Add Nutrition to open the nutrition plan builder.
After entering a name and date for the nutrition plan, click on Simplified Nutrition.
Then it will open a page where trainers can fill out the total macros they want their clients to reach.

After adjusting the settings for repetition and assignment to other clients, it can then be published for clients to view.
These macros will appear in icons that the trainer and the clients can click on to fill out the macros consumed throughout the day.