Fitness Coach Notes – Updates And Usability Improvements
We here at FitSW have been working hard on updating our software. Recently, we have updated our workout program feature, made improvements to our exercise list, and released multiple new blog articles giving you personal training tips and other useful information. Now, we have more updates to inform you about! These updates include the ability to add multiple lines to your notes section, new “Assign To Client” feature, and minor bug & usability improvements. We are very excited about these fitness coach notes update and would love your thoughts!
Fitness Coach Notes Update

As you can see in the picture above, there are multiple lines of notes on this exercise. Beforehand, you did not have the ability to add multiple lines. Instead, you would separate your notes with commas. However, you can now add as many lines of notes as wish! There is no limit to the number of notes you can add.
In addition to adding multiple lines of notes, we added this feature to every note section in FitSW! Whether this is your notes for workouts, tasks, diets, exercises, or anything else, you can add multiple lines of notes anywhere! This feature has been optimized for both our web and mobile applications. In addition, it is live right now, so you can go test it for yourself!
Assigning Workouts To Clients – Improvements

Another feature we have added is improvements to our drop-down menu when assigning workouts, tasks, and diets to your clients. We have made this screen similar to our exercise list, which we recently updated with many improvements, and made it easier to assign your fitness plans to your clients.
FitSW Wants Your Feedback On Our Fitness Coach Notes!
We are very excited to have released these new features and would love your thoughts! If you have any feedback or comments on these fitness coach notes update or anything else, contact us! You can do this by connecting with us on our Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or support page! Additionally, you can leave a comment on this blog article! We typically reply within a day or so! For more information on all of our new features, check out the rest of our blog!