The Start of Something Beautiful – FitSW + Apple HealthKit
It’s November and it’s been a little bit since we came to you with a product update article. Well, if you have been to our homepage recently then you might suppose we have been busy working on some pretty cool things. One of them is going to help you in onboarding clients and it has to do with Apple HealthKit.
FitSW iOS App Integration with Apple HealthKit.

When you think about client onboarding, the more streamlined, the better, right? Well, that’s exactly what we are shooting for when trainers onboard clients in the FitSW app. Now, when a client gets invited to the FitSW app on an iOS device they will be prompted to integrate their HealthKit data when setting their account up. Here’s the data that will be coming in from HealthKit:
- Date of Birth
- Sex
- Height
While simple, this is just the start of some really exciting new features to come to the FitSW iOS users.
In the future, client onboarding will automate bringing in data from HealthKit such as steps counted, Bluetooth weight scales, calories consumed, and more, all in one integration.
With this, the possibilities become endless as a health and fitness coach with such easy access to all of this data. Think, client onboarding becomes a breeze and now, more than ever, accountability coaching can become more precise with access to this data.
Eventually, between integrations with Apple HealthKit and other fitness and health apps, FitSW will literally become a one-stop-shop for your client’s health and fitness data.
Future Android Integrations
We are planning on adding very similar integrations to the FitSW app for android users with all the same possibilities.
The iOS App is Now Translated into Hebrew.
Yes, that is right! The FitSW iOS app is now translated into Hebrew. To make sure your app gets translated, make sure your device is set to the correct language.
New Homepage Design

Many of you may have noticed something looks different on the FitSW homepage. I noticed it too, but I can’t quite put my finger on it… maybe it’s the font is different? Either way, the old homepage served us well for a long time and will never be forgotten. But as many things have changed in 2020, so has the FitSW homepage among many other pages.
iOS International Date Support
Ah yes, the iOS app now supports international date formats! Just like your language settings, FitSW pulls its date settings from your device settings. So make sure the settings on the device that you use FitSW to reflect your preferences.
The Android App is Now Available in Portuguese and Italian.
Our Android apps are now available in Portuguese and Italian. Much like the iOS app, make sure your device settings are set to the supported language of your preference as this is what the FitSW app pulls from.
Assessments in iOS are now called “Metrics”.
On the FitSW web app, we changed “Assessments” to metrics a little bit ago as it sounded a little more natural and seemed to be a better match to the features use cases. Now the iOS app is in alignment with the FitSW web app in this regard.
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