FitSW Web Update: GIF Exercise Demo’s and More!
With this FitSW web update comes features we are pretty excited about. This update includes multi-client messaging, GIF exercise previews, new trainer page options, and some android fixes as well.
Lets dig in to see what’s new with this most recent release!
New Trainer Page Options

With this FitSW web update, we have released a new trainer page option that features a more modern design and is optimized for the clients experience. With it, comes what we in the marketing field call “call to actions” or “CTA’s”.
CTA’s are good because they provide direction to clients or prospective clients and increase the chance of a sale.
We have also added the ability to display client testimonials. Client testimonials are great because they solidify your services in the minds of prospective clients who could be viewing your trainer page.
We’ve also made it easier for prospective clients to get in contact.

When someone clicks on the “contact me” button, it automatically opens their outlook or gmail with the trainers email in the “to” field.

Quick View GIF Previewing
In order to make it easier for people to view workout demo’s on the fly, we’ve added a new feature that displays a GIF of exercises for quick viewing.
This way users have the option to view a more in depth video of the exercise or jog their memory with a quick GIF.

Notice the eye icon highlighted in red? Simply hover your mouse and a small GIF will pop up. Need a larger view? Click on it for a larger GIF preview.

Here’s a quick preview of what each GIF is like:

Multi-Client Messaging
You can now message more then one client at the same time from the app. For announcements, you no longer have to message each client one by one or leave the app to send a mass email.
Here’s a quick run down:

See the “message all” button? Simply give that a click to pull up a list of all the clients you need to message.

When you click on the “message all” button, you’ll be greeted with a pop up with three options. The first is obvious, your message. Then you’ll see two buttons, the first is “send message to all clients”.
With this option, all you have to do is type your well thought out message and click that button. That will send your message to all clients. Glorious.
The second button option is to type your message, and then select “send message to multiple clients”.
When you click “send message to multiple clients”, you’ll be greeted with a wonderful drop down option.

Here, simply select the clients who you need to send your message and select the bottom most button, “send message to clients”. Boom, there you have it. Multi-client messaging.
Android Release
For the android release, we fixed a small bug that would re-order exercises after grouping and un-grouping exercises into super sets. Now, the order of the exercises is hard set unless changed by you, the keeper of the exercises.
Have Any Feedback on this FitSW Web Update?
Let us know by shooting us an email at or giving us a shout on social media.