Early September FitSW update: draggable modals and more!
It’s September. Fall is dawning on us and so is a month full of improvements and new features. We have some exciting new stuff coming this month. However, we already have a couple new things we have already released! This early September FitSW update is setting the tone for us, for the rest of the month.
The FitSW iOS app is available in Portuguese & Italian.
Not only are we expanding features from fitsw.com to the iOS app but we are also expanding the languages the app is available in.
Here are the languages the iOS app is now available in:
- English
- Spanish
- Italian
- Portuguese
Important note: for the app to be in one of these languages, your phone must also be set to that language.
You can now use one rep maxes to calculate exercise weights (%RM)
A lot of trainers have requested this feature, specifically for powerlifting or for clients who want to get into powerlifting. The jist of it is simple: head over to your metrics tab and create a metric for a one rep max.
Adding a One Rep Max
For example create a metric like “one rep barbell bench”. While you are creating the metric, you can check a checkbox at the bottom of the of the “add metric” modal that says “integrate this metric”.

Checking the box opens a drop down where you can choose the integration that you want. Right now the only option is “One Rep Max”, however, in the future, there will be others.
Once you select “One Rep Max” you are all good to go. Just finish creating the metric.
Note: in order to use it in %RM workouts, you must have progress data assigned to it. To add data, go to the progress page and add progress data to the metric that you just created.
Once you have added progress to your one rep max metric, it’s time to build a workout.
Calculating %RM
When building the workout, simply add an exercise you want use a one rep max with and then click on the calculator icon on the far right (Screenshot below, highlighted in red):

Once you click on it, the percent max calculator will open. Simply choose the metric that you need, type in the percentage and there you go!
Now, you may have noticed there are two options. Namely Replace Weight or Append Weight. This is so that you can either replace the weight you may have already typed in there with your %RM calculation or you can add the weight you just calculated into a comma separated list, thus, assigning different weights for different sets.
Draggable Modals
Do you ever open up a modal while doing something but then realize you need to see what’s behind the modal to finish what you’re doing in the modal but the modal is in the way? I know. I said modal a lot, just bare with me.
Well now, if you’re ever caught in the oddly specific situation I just outlined for you, fear not as you can just click and hold towards the edge of the inside of the modal and drag it out of the way!
Here’s an example of a modal:

Exercise search improvements
Ahh, in the old days of the exercise list (2 days ago) you couldn’t search for an exercise based on a search value AND other filter options such as muscle group, level, or equipment. Now, filtering on the additional options like muscle group will preserve your initial search value.
Kids these days don’t know how easy they have it.
More demo GIFs
I’ve got 99 problems and exercise demo GIF’s for my personal training clients is not a single one of them.
We added some more GIF demo’s for default exercises.
Android updates
Filter foods by macro
You can now filter your food list by macro range. For example, if you want a food that is particularly protein dense, you can set a higher protein amount and filter on foods that way.
Message all clients
Yes, you can now make mass announcements to all clients in the FitSW android app. Whoop Whoop!
Have questions or feedback on this update?
Please feel free to shoot us an email to support@fitsw.com or reach out to us on social media!
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