Personal Training Client Calendar Feature
We recently added the ability for personal trainers and their clients to view their upcoming workouts, nutritions, and tasks in a calendar format. You and your clients can still view their upcoming events in a list format but now we make it easy for you to view everything with our personal training client calendar feature. This can help you get a birds-eye view of your client’s fitness program. It also gives your client the ability to see what’s coming up for them going forward in a calendar view. This is one of the many personal training software features that can help trainers manage their client’s fitness.
Viewing the Client Calendar as a Trainer
To view your client calendars, first, click the “Client Calendars” tab. See below for what that looks like. You will then be able to choose the specific clients whose calendar you would like to view.

Functionality of Client Calendar
Once you choose your client, you will be taken to their calendar. It will look similar to the below image. As you can see, you can view different months by using the Back and Next buttons. You can view it in month form or in agenda form. You can also adjust the “Event Type” in order to show only workouts, only tasks, or only nutrition. Or you can view all events. You can also “Add Events” from this screen or even Add Favorite Events right to the calendar.

If a personal trainer wants to see more information on an event they can simply click on it and then click “View Details”. Or they can even Edit or Copy the event directly there by clicking “Edit Event” or “Copy Event” after clicking on the specific event.
We have created this Client Calendar to give you all the functionality you need with just a different view. Keep in mind that this is different than the “My Calendar” menu item. The “My Calendar” menu item is there just to help you manage your own calendar whether it’s training sessions you have with your clients, your scheduled appointments, etc. The Client Calendar shows each client’s entire fitness program whether you need to meet with that client or not.
Viewing Client Calendar as a Client
To view the Personal Training Client Calendar as a client, your client simply needs to click on the “Calendar” tab. They will see a very similar Event Calendar except they just won’t be able to select other clients. If your personal training clients want to view the event details, they can simply click on the event and click “View Details”. They will then see all the details of the particular event.

Your clients can also access a similar client calendar in our iOS personal training app and our Android personal training app.