Create Workouts For Multiple Personal Training Clients
Create Workouts For Multiple Personal Training Clients at Once
We recently added the ability to create workouts for multiple personal training clients at once at In the iOS app and on the website you can still copy workouts from one client to another. Now with this update, you can save even more time by adding a workout for multiple clients from the start when you first build the workout. Here is how to do it:
1) Go to Workout View and Add Workout like Normal
Go to the Workouts screen for one of the clients that you would like to add a workout for. In the specific clients Workout screen, click the Add Workout button as usual.

2) Click the link to “Select Additional Clients to Apply Workout To
Enter the workout information as normal. Then click the link that says “Select Additional Clients to Apply Workout To.

3) Select the Additional Clients to Add Workout For
The link will then change to a list of clients that you can select as clients you also want the workout added for. You can use shift or command / control to select more than 1 client in the list.

Then click the Save Workout button at the bottom as normal. This workout will then be added to the main client along with all of the additional clients that you selected.
Future Updates and App Improvements
Let us know what you think of this new feature and if you would like to see us add this to our iOS app or Android app.