Exclusive: FitSW in the News

Some of you may have noticed that we have been adding features to FitSW a little quicker than in the past. We put in a lot of work and will continue to do so. However, it seems like others are starting to notice too! We are excited to talk about three recent stories we have been featured in, both in local newspapers and in blogs across the internet. We get excited about FitSW in the news!
DeliveryRank covers all sorts of businesses associated with meals and meal planning. Because of our meal planning features, they wanted to talk to us. Here is the interview.

Starter Story
If you aren’t sure what Starter Story is, it is a blog site that specializes in finding successful startups and features them in their blog. The idea is that if you are a young business owner or want to be a business owner then Starter Story is a place you can go and read stories of successful entrepreneurs.
What makes it interesting, however, is the blog articles are structured like an interview. Not only is it a story, but Starter Story asks in-depth questions about some of the most important aspects of what it took to get the business off the ground, providing some pretty valuable information to its readers.
If you want to go check out the story, learn a little bit more about how FitSW was started, and more about our Founder, Jacob Montoya, click the link below:
FitSW Featured in Starter Story
FitSW in the Local News
The FitSW offices are located in the City of Colorado Springs. Colorado Springs is a modestly sized city. However, we are called “Olympic City USA” for a reason. According to coloradosprings.gov :
“We are home to the United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee Headquarters, 20+ National Olympic Governing Bodies, more than 50 National Sport Organizations, the Colorado Springs Olympic and Paralympic Training Center, and the future U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Museum.”
Pretty cool, huh? Besides that, Denver is just down the road from us and is consistently named one of the most active, healthiest cities in the US. People here in Colorado Springs go do the incline… for fun. If you don’t know what the incline is, it is a set of old railway tracks that go 2,000ft straight up a mountain. It is the leftovers of an old railway that was washed away essentially from a rock slide.
So when it comes to health and wellness, people don’t mess around here. It’s safe to say, people were excited when they found out about a local startup that would help them do their yoga from home during the shutdown.
Want to read more? Check out the virtual story here.
A Q&A Session with our Founder, Hosted by Exponential Impact.
This may not be considered “FitSW in the News” so to speak, but nonetheless, we are excited to be featured on Exponential Impacts site.
For those of you that don’t know who or what Exponential Impact is, they are a startup accelerator that helps young companies find their way as they look at growing. It sounds simpler than it actually is. They provide access to great mentors that provide invaluable advice from a seasoned background.
However, recently, they sat down with the Founder of FitSW and did a quick Q&A session about Jacob, his background, experience, how he came up with FitSW, and much more.