New Fitness Class Booking System
Here is yet another update to our personal trainer scheduling feature! Now you can create classes or group sessions on your schedule that users can book into. This new fitness class booking system allows you to set the number of spots available for each class or session. Clients can then see these classes on your calendar and then register for them as long as there are spots available. We have always had the ability for clients to request 1 on 1 sessions with you or for you to create a session or class with multiple people. However, now you can create this session or class and people can register themselves for it. Its a great way to manage class attendance, specify how many spots there are, and give clients the flexibility to book into sessions on their own, meaning less work for you.
Creating a Class on Your Schedule
Creating a class is simple. The first thing to do is go to “My Calendar” and click the day and time you want to add the class. You will then see a window, like below, where you can specify the Title, Description, and more. This window is similar to the same one you see when you add a client appointment. However, now there is an additional “Type” that you can choose. You can now choose Class.

Specifying Class Size
After you choose “Class” as the type of event, you can then see new fields. You will be able to specify “Class Size”. This will limit the number of people that can book the class. Once that many people have booked the class, the system will not allow any more to register for it.
Deducting Session Credit
If you utilize session tracking, you can sell clients a certain number of sessions. The system will deduct those sessions from your clients when they register for your classes. You don’t need to utilize session tracking in order to use the fitness class booking system, but you can and it is integrated with the system. You can simply click the check box to “Deduct session credit when client registers” and whenever they register for a class they will have credit deducted.
Adding Clients to a Class Yourself
Clients can book into a class themselves (more on that later), but you can also do it for them if you want to. Simply choose their name from the “Clients to schedule with” field and the system will add them to the class.
Repeating Classes and More
The fitness class booking system also allows you to create repeating classes if you have a class that occurs repeatedly. For example, you can set it to occur every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. This works similarly to schedule repeating training sessions.
You can also set up class reminder notifications to be sent to your clients as well in order to remind them of their classes ahead of time.
After setting up the class and booking it, you will then see it on your calendar in purple as seen below. As people register for your class, the number of spots open will decrease. You will also be able to see the names of clients that have registered for your class.

How Clients Can Book a Class
We make it extremely simple for clients to book a class. Any of your clients can log in and go to Trainer -> Schedule to see your schedule and where they can book. This same screen now allows them to book into classes.

They can simply click on the specific class in purple to see details. They can then click the green Register button to be added to that class. You will then be registered for the class. To unregister for a class, your client can just click on the event again and then click unregister.

Registering for a class is simple. Again, you as the fitness coach will also be able to track who has registered for your classes.