Organize Workouts with Section Headers
FitSW has added the capability for trainers to organize client workouts using section headers. That means that trainers can add warm-up sections, cool-down sections, or any type of section they choose. This helps trainers organize workouts the way they want and how they feel will make the most sense for their clients. Of course, trainers don’t need to use section headers. They are just there in case the trainer wants to use them. This feature comes on top of other recently added workout builder improvements.
How To Add Workout Section Headers
Adding a workouts section is extremely easy. This feature is currently only available on the website but we will be adding it to our mobile apps soon. To better organize your workouts with section headers, do the following.
1) Go to the Add or Edit Workout screen.
2) Tap the green “+” button seen below. You will then be able to add an exercise or header.

3) After clicking the green “+” button, you will see the option to “Add Heading” as seen below. This will insert your heading at the place of the green “+” button you clicked on.

4) Your Heading section will be added and you can type in whatever title for the section you would like. In the below example we have typed in “Warm Up”. You can move this heading around as needed. You can also add new headings anywhere in the workout.

How Headers Will Display
Headers will be displayed as seen below when viewing workout details. So when your clients pull up the workout on the website, they will see whe part of their workout they are in.

Next Steps
As mentioned, we have only added this feature to the website and not our iOS app for personal trainers nor Android app for trainers. Is this something that is important for you on mobile? If so, please reach out and let us know so we will prioritize it right away.