Personal Trainer Notification Center
We have now added a brand new personal trainer notification center to give you a birds-eye view of the recent happenings for your clients. It is a great way for trainers to stay up-to-date from a single screen. We have also made it easy for you to react to those events with emojis. This way your clients can feel your support.
Accessing the Notification Center
To access the notification center, simply click on the Bell Icon in the upper right of the menu bar. This bell icon may have a number next to it that shows the count of new notifications that you have not yet seen. You will then see the notification center with different sections. The sections that have the red “NEW” badge are sections for which there are new notifications.
Trainer Notification Center Summary
Notification Sections
In your trainer notification center, you can see New Messages and New Comments made on events. This helps you see what your clients are saying without having to go check multiple chats and events. For New Comments made on events, there will be a button like “view workout”. This will take you to the specific event if needed.
Additionally, there is a New Events section and a Completed Events section where you can see what is going on with your client’s Workouts, Tasks, and Nutritions. There are also links to take you to those specific events as well.
In the personal trainer notification center, you can also view Fitness Coaching Forms that have been completed by your clients. You can also see Recent Payments made by clients to you, and view recently added Progress Pictures.
On top of all this information, you can also react to notifications using emojis. This will let your clients know you are cheering them on. They will see this reaction in their own notification center.
Client Notification Center

Above is what the Client Notification Center looks like. As discussed clients also have their own notification center. There they can see new messages from you, new comments, new form assignments, and more. They can also see your reactions to things like progress pictures or completed events. Clients access their Notification Center using the same Bell icon. It’s a great way for them to stay on top of their fitness program along with you.