Personal Trainer Exercise Demonstration Improvements
FitSW has always had Personal Trainer Exercise Demonstration videos. Now, we have added 2 new features to our exercise list. The first feature we added is that you can see the level of difficulty for a particular exercise. We also implemented the feature that trainers and clients can see the equipment required to perform a workout. Our exercise library has nearly 1000 exercises to choose from and have added the difficulty level and equipment necessary for every exercise. However, you can easily change the difficulty and equipment for any of our exercises. Likewise, you can create exercises that specify this now. In past updates, we added a search bar to our exercise list. Now you can search for all of the exercises that are beginner or require a specific piece of equipment. If you would like to find more exercises, check out this list of exercises with descriptions.
Personal Trainer Exercise Demonstration – Exercise Level

There are 3 different workout levels that an exercise can have: beginner, intermediate, or advanced. This includes every exercise that is in our exercise library. However, if you disagree with our difficulty rating, you can easily update any exercise by simply clicking on it and changing the value. You will choose the workout level when you create a new exercise.
Personal Trainer Exercise Demonstration – Equipment ID

In addition to the workout level, personal trainers now have the ability to select the equipment needed to perform an exercise. You can also select multiple pieces of equipment if you choose to. If you do not see the equipment you want, email our support and we will implement it as soon as we can. The equipment to choose from includes:
- Ab Wheel
- Agility Ladder
- Balance Ball
- Balance Board
- Barbell
- Balance Disc
- Battle Rope
- Bench
- Bosu
- Box
- Cable
- Cone
- Dumbbells
- Elastic Bands
- Foam Roller
- Glide Disc
- Hurdle
- Indoboard
- Indoboard Disc
- Kettlebell, Machine
- Medicine Ball
- None
- Olympic Plate
- Other
- Pullup Bar
- PVC Pipe
- Resistance Band
- Slam Ball
- Smith Machine
- Stability Ball
- Stick
- TRX Rip Trainer
- TRX Suspension
- Wall
- Weight Plate.
Personal Trainer Exercise Demonstration – Search Bar On Exercise List
Additionally, you can search for exercises based on the difficulty or equipment they use. For example, if you would like to see all the workouts that in the beginner category, simply type beginner in the search bar. If you would like to see all workouts that require the Ab Wheel, just type Ab Wheel. This feature makes finding workouts easier than ever.

With this new update, your workouts and exercises are much more personalized. If you have a client that is new to working out, you can easily choose beginner exercises to ease them into it. Additionally, you can easily search for different equipment or workout level by simply typing in the search bar. Finding exercises has never been easier. Personalized workouts also just got a lot easier to create.
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